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定 價(jià):¥148.00

作 者: (美)Microsoft公司著
出版社: 北京大學(xué)出版社
叢編項(xiàng): 微軟網(wǎng)絡(luò)編程與開發(fā)影印叢書
標(biāo) 簽: 窗口軟件 Winsock

ISBN: 9787301020401 出版時(shí)間: 2000-04-01 包裝: 膠版紙
開本: 23cm 頁數(shù): 892 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  本書是NETWORKING SERVICES DEVELOPER’S REFERENCE LIBRARY微軟網(wǎng)絡(luò)編程與開發(fā)影印從書)中的一本。Windows Sockets 2(Winsock)和Quality of Service(QOS是 Windows 2000所支持的兩個(gè)聯(lián)網(wǎng)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),而本書講述的就是關(guān)于這二者的重要標(biāo)題性信息。Winsock提供了訪問多個(gè)傳輸協(xié)議的簡單方法。使程序員能夠創(chuàng)建高級(jí)Web以及與網(wǎng)絡(luò)相關(guān)的應(yīng)用程序,實(shí)現(xiàn)與協(xié)議元關(guān)的數(shù)據(jù)傳送。而業(yè)界廣泛采用的 QOS使開發(fā)人員能夠創(chuàng)建或改進(jìn)任務(wù)必需的應(yīng)用程序(無論網(wǎng)絡(luò)狀況怎樣,這些應(yīng)用程序在運(yùn)行時(shí)總感覺狀況良好)。




Part 1
Chapter 1: Getting Around in the NetWorking Services Library
How the NetWorking Services Library Is Structured
How the Networking Services Library Is Designed
Chapter 2: What’s In This VoIume?
QuaIity of Service
Chapter 3: Using Microsott Reference Resources
The Microsott DeveIoper NetWork
Comparing MSDN with MSDN OnIine
MSDN Subscriptions
MSDN Library Subscription
MSDN Professional Subscription
MSDN UniversaI Subscription
Purchasing an MSDN Subscription
Using MSDN
Navigating MSDN
Quick Tips
Using MSDN OnIine
Navigating MSDN Online
MSDN Online Features
MSDN Online Registered Users
The Windows Programming Reference Series
Chapter 4: Finding the DeveIoP6r Resources You Need
Developer Support
OnIine Resources
lnternet Standards
Learning Products
Other Resources
Chapter 5: Writing Great IrDA AppIications (with Winsock)
What ls an Ad-Hoc NetWorking-EnabIed Application?
What ls lrDA?
What ls lrDA-C (PreviOusly Known as lrBus)?
What ls Unique about IrDA?
IrDA Core ProtocoIs and Services
SeriaI lrDA (SIR) PhysicaI Layer (115 Kb/s)
Fast irDA (FIR) PhysicaI Layer (4 Mb/s)
IrLAP Data Link Layer
lrLMP and TinyTP
lrCOMM Modes
No IrCOMM VirtuaI SeriaI Ports on Windows 2000
Windows 2000 Support for IrCOMM Through Winsock
IrDA and the Windows Sockets APl
TaIking to Non-Windows Devices
AppIication AddreSsing
Data Transfer and Connection Close
lrDA and Winsock Reference
af irdah
send and recv
getsockopt(,, lRLMP__ENUMDEVICES,,) and connect()
IrCOMM Client
Windows 2000 lrDA Architecture
IrDA Hardware Drivers
Windows 2000 Multiple-Adapter Support
Part 2
ChaPter 6: Winsock 2 APl 0veFView
WeIcome to Windows Sockets 2
Using the Windows Sockets 2 API Document
Overview of Windows Sockets 2
Windows Sockets 2 Features
Conventions for New Functions
Microsott Extensions and the Windows Sockets 2 API
Socket Handles for Windows Sockets 2
New Concepts, Additions, and Changes for Windows Sockets 2
Windows Sockets 2 Architecture
Simultaneous Access to MultipIe Transport Protocols
Backward Compatibility for Windows Sockets 1.1 AppIications
Making Transport ProtocoIs AvailabIe to Windows Sockets
Layered Protocols and ProtocoI Chains
Using MuItipIe Protocols
MultipIe Provider Restrictions on SeIect
Function EXtension Mechanism
Debug and Trace FaciIities
Name ResoIution
OverIapped I/O and Event Objects
Event Objects
Receiving CompIetion lndications
Asynchronous Notification Using Event ObjeCts
Flow Specification QuaIity of Service
QOS TempIates
Default VaIues
Socket Groups
Shared Sockets
Enhanced FunCtionality During Connection Setup and Teardown
EXtended Byte-Order Conversion Routines
Support for Scatter/Gather l/O in the APl
ProtocoI-lndependent Multicast and Multipoint
Summary of New Socket Options
Summary of New Socket loctl Opcodes
Summary of New Functions
Windows Sockets Programming Considerations
Deviation from BerkeIey Sockets
Socket Data Type
SeIect and FD *
Error Codes--errno, h_errno and WSAGetLastError
Renamed Functions
Maximum Number of Sockets Supported
IncIude FiIes
Retum VaIues on Function Failure
Service Provided Raw Sockets
Byte Ordering
Windows Sockets Compatibility Issues
Default State for a Socket’s OverIapped Attribute
Windows Sockets 1 1 Blocking Routines and ElNPROGRESS
GracefuI Shutdown, Linger Options, and Socket Closure
PrOtocoI-Independent Out-of-Band Data
Summary of Windows Sockets 2 Functions
Socket Functions
Microsott Windows-Specific EXtension Functions
Registration and Name Resolution
Protocol-lndependent Name Resolution
Name ResoIution ModeI
Summary of Name ResoIution Functions
Name Resolution Data Structures
Compatible Name ResoIution for TCP/lP in the Windows Sockets 1.1
Basic Approach for GetXbyY in the APl
getprotobyname and getprotobynumber Functions in the APl
getservbyname and getservbyPort Functions in the API
gethostbyname Function in the APl
gethostbyaddr FunCtion in the API
gethostname Function in the API
Multipoint and MuIticast Semantics
Multipoint Taxonomy
Windows Sockets 2 lnterface EIements for MuItipoint and MuIticast
Attributes in WSAPROTOCOL INFO Structure
Flag Bits for WSASocket
SIO MULTlCAST SCOPE Command Code for WSAloctI
Semantics for Joining Multipoint Leaves
Using WSAJoinLeaf
Semantic Differences Between Multipoint Sockets and Regular Sockets
How Existing Multipoint Protocols Support These EXtensions
IP MuIticast
ATM Point to MuItipoint
AdditionaI Windows Socket Information
Windows Sockets 2 API Header FiIe--Winsock2h
Socket Options Specific to Microsoft Service Providers
Socket Qption for Windows NT 40 Only
Socket Option for Windows NT 40 and Windows 95
AdditionaI Documentation
Chapter 7: Error Codes in the Winsock API
Error Codes
Chapter 8: Winsock 2 Functions
Windows Sockets 2 Functions
Chapter 9: Winsock 2 Structures and Enumerations
Windows Sockets Structures in the APl
Windows Sockets Enumeration in the APl
Chapter 10: Winsock 2 SPl Overview
Welcome to Windows Sockets 2 SPI
Using the SPI Document
Overview of the Windows Sockets 2 SPI
Windows Sockets 2 SPl Features
Microsott Extensions and the Windows Sockets 2 SPI
Socket Handles for the Windows Sockets 2 SPI
Windows Sockets 2 Architectural Overview
Windows Sockets 2 as a WOSA Component
Windows Sockets 2 DLLs
Function lnterface Model
Naming Conventions
Windows Sockets 2 Service Providers
Transport Service Providers
Namespace Service Providers
Windows Sockets 2 Identifiers
Data Transport Providers
Transport Division of ResponsibiIities Between DLL and Service ProviI
Transport Mapping Between APl and SPI Functions
FunCtion Extension Mechanism in the SPl
Transport Configuration and InstaIIation
Name Resolution Providers
Name Resolution ModeI for the SPI
Name Resolution Division of ResponsibiIities BetWeen DLL and ServiI
Name Resolution Mapping BetWeen API and SPI Functions
Name Resolution Configuration and InstaIlation
Windows Sockets 2 Transport Provider Requirements
Service Provider Activation
Error Reporting and Parameter Validation
Byte Ordering Assumptions
Socket Creation and Descriptor Management
Descriptor AIlocation
Socket Attribute FIags and Modes
Closing Sockets
BIocking Operations
Pseudo vsrue Blocking
BIocking Hook
CanceIing BIocking Operations
Event Objects in the Windows Sockets 2 SPI
Creating Event Objects
Using Event Objects
Destroying Event Objects
Notification of NetWork Events
Windows Messages
Event ObjeCt Signaling
Socket Groups in the Windows Sockets 2 SPl
Socket Group Operations
Required Socket Grouping Behavior
Recommended Socket Grouping Behavior
QuaIity of Service in the Windows Sockets 2 SPI
Socket Connections on Connection-Oriented Protocols
Binding to a Local Address
ProtocoI Basics:Listen, Connect, Accept
Determining LocaI and Remote Names
Enhanced FunctionaIity at Connect Time
Connection Shutdown
Socket Connections on Connectionless ProtocoIs
Connecting to a DefauIt Peer
Reconnecting and Disconnecting
Using Sendto While Connected
Socket l/O
BIocking InpuVOutput
NonbIocking Input/Output
Overlapped InpuVOutput
Support for Scatter/Gather lnpuhOutput in the SPI
Out-of-Band Data in the SPI
Shared Sockets in the SPl
MultipIe HandIes to a SingIe Socket
Reference Counting
Precedence Guidelines
ProtocoI-lndependent Multicast and MuItipoint in the SPI
MuItipoint Taxonomy and GIossary
MuItipoint Attributes in the WSAPROTOCOLlNFOW Structure
MuItipoint Socket Attributes
SPl Semantics for Joining Multipoint Leaves
Using WSPJoinLeaf
Semantic Differences Between MuItipoint Sockets and ReguIar Sockl
in the SPI
Socket Options and lOCTLs
Summary of Socket loctl Opcodes
Summary of SPl Functions
Generic Data Transport Functions
UpcaIIs Exposed by Windows Sockets 2 DLL
lnstaIIation and Configuration Functions
Name Resolution Service Provider Requirements
Summary of Namespace Provider Functions
Namespace Provider Configuration and lnstaIIation
Namespace Provider l nitiaIization and CIeanup
Service InstaIIation in the Windows Sockets 2 SPI
Helper Functions in the SPI
Name ResoIution Data Structures in the SPI
Compatible Name ResoIution for TCP/IP in the Windows Sockets 1.1 SPl
Basic Approach for getXbyY in the SPI
getprotobyname and getprotobynumber Functions in the SPl
getservbyname and getservbyport Functions in the SPI
gethostbyname Function in the SPI
gethostbyaddr Function in the SPl
gethostname Function in the SPI
SampIe Code for a Service Provider
AdditionaI Windows Sockets 2 SPI Concerns
Service Provider Ordering
Windows Sockets SPl Header FiIe - Ws2spih
Chapter 11: Winsock 2 SPI Reference
Winsock 2 SPl Reference
Chapter 12: Winsock 2 Protocol-Specific Annex
Using the Annex
Overview of Windows Sockets 2
Microsott EXtensions and Windows Sockets 2
Socket HandIes for Windows Sockets 2
TCP/IP Introduction
TCP/IP Overview
TCP/IP Data Structures
TCP/IP ControIs
UNIX Ioctfs
TCP/IP Socket Options
TCP/IP Function Details
TCP/IP Raw Sockets
lPv6 Support
TeXt Representation of IPv6 Addresses
TCP/lP Header FiIe
lPX/SPX Introduction
IPX/SPX Overview
AF--lPX Address Family
lPX Family of Protocol ldentifiers
Broadcast to LocaI NetWork
AIl Routes Broadcast
Directed Broadcast
About Media Packet Size
How Packet Size Affects ProtocoIs
lPX/SPX Data Structures
lPX/SPX ControIs
NSPROTO--lPX Socket Options
DECnet Overview
DNPROTO--NSP Protocol Family
AF--DECnet Addres& Families
DECnet Data Structures
Manifest Constants (Winsock2h)
Manifest Constants (Ws2dneth)
Data Structures (Ws2dneth)
DECnet Function DetaiIs
Connections Using Accept/WSAAccept/WSPAccept
Structure Information for Bind/WSPBind
Connections Using Connect/WSAConnect/WSPConnect
Addressing with GetPeerName/WSPGetPeerName
Receiving Local Name with getsocknameMSPGetSockName
Using Getsockopt/WSPGetSockOpt
Using SocketwSASocket/WSPSocket
DECnet Out-of-Band Data
DECnet-Specific Extended Functions Identifiers
DECnet Header FiIe
Open Systems lnterconnection (OSl)
OSl lntroduction
lnternationaI Organization for Standardization (IOS)
OSl Expedited Data
ISO Qualified Data
ISO Reset
OSI QuaIity of Service
Option Profiles
Address Format
OSI D8ta Structures
OSl Controls
Socket Options
OSl Function Specifics
QuaIity of Service
OSI Header File
ATM-Specific EXtensions
ATM lntroduction
ATM Overview
ATM Data Structures
Using the ATM--ADDRESS Structure
ATM BLLl Structure and Associated Manifest Constants
ATM--BHLl Structure and Associated Manifest Constants
ATM ControIs
ATM Function Specifics
ATM-Specific QuaIity of Service EXtension
AAL Parameters
ATM Traffic Descriptor
Broadband Bearer CapabiIity
Broadband High Layer lnformation
Broadband Lower Layer lnformation
CaIIed Party Number
CaIled Party Subaddress
CalIing Party Number
Calling Party Subaddress
QuaIity of Service Parameter
Transit NetWork SeIection Cause
ATM Header File
Other Windows Sockets 2 Considerations
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) RSVP
Chapter 13: QOS Overview
QOS Documentation Structure
Determining Which Discussion ls for You
AdditionaI Information on QOS
About Quality of Service
lntroduction to QOS
Quality of Service Defined
Windows 2000 QuaIity of Service Defined
What QOS Solves
How Windows 2000 QOS Works
Windows 98 QOS Notes
QOS Header FiIes
QOS Components
Application-Driven QOS Components
Network-Driven QOS Components
PoIicy-Driven QOS Components
Chapter 14: Q0S Programming,
Basic QOS Operations
QOS-Enabling Your AppIication
Opening a QOS-Enabled Socket
Invoking the RSVP SP
Providing the RSVP SP with QOS-specific Parameters
Receiving QOS-Enabled Data
Sending QOS-EnabIed Data
CIosing the QOS Connection
QOS TempIates
Enumerating AvaiIable QOS TempIates
AppIying a QOS Template
lnstaIIing a QOS TempIate
Removing a QOS TempIate
BuiIt-in QOS TempIates
RSVP SP Error Codes
Error Codes
Error Values
Service Types
Primary Service Types
Secondary Service Types
Using Service Types
DirectionaI lmpIications of Service Types
Examples of Setting the Service Type
Using the ProviderSpecific Buffer
Structure of the ProviderSpecific Buffer
Use of the ProviderSpecific Buffer as a Receiver
Use of the ProviderSpecific Buffer as a Sender
Understanding Traffic Control
How the RSVP SP lnvokes TC
Disabling Traffic ControI
QOS Events
Listening for FD--QOS Events
Using WSAEventSelect or WSAAsyncSeIect
Using OverIapped WSAIoctl(SIO--GET--QOS)
QOS Event Codes
Basic RSVP Operations
lnvoking RSVP
Using the RSVP--RESERVE--INFO Object
Confirming RSVP Reservations
DisabIing RSVP SignaIing
RSVP Reservation Styles
Base RSVP Reservation StyIes
DefauIt RSVP FiIter StyIe Settings
Overriding Default RSVP FiIter Style Settings
Mapping RSVP SP Parameters to RSVP
RSVP PATH and RESV Messages
Tspec, FIowSpec, and Adspec
Mapping QOS CaIl Sequences to RSVP
Sending AppIications
Receiving AppIications
Receiver Reservation Semantics
Using WSAConnect to Join Unicast RSVP Sessions
Using WSAJoinLeaf to Join Multicast RSVP Sessions
Use of Sendto and WSASendTo by Multicast Senders
Using WSAIoctl(SlO--SET--QOS) During RSVP Sessions
Chapter 15: Q0S API Reference
QOS Functions
QOS Structures
QOS Objects
Chapter 16: Traffic Control API Reference
Traffic ControI Functions
Entry Points Exposed by Clients of the Traffic Control Interface
Traffic ControI Structures
Traffic Control Objects
Chapter 17: Local PoIicy Module APl Reference
LPM Functions
LPM Structures
Fart 3
Index: NetWorking Services Programming Elements - AIphab6ical Listing


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