Paul is professor of Computer Science and a Director of Research at the Institute for Computational Mathematics,at Kent State University,Kent,Ohio,USA.A PH.D.and faculty member from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Chapter 1 Classes and Objects 1.1 Java Program Structure 1.2 A First Program 1.3 Defining Methods 1.4 Data Types and Variable Declarations 1.5 Data Abstraction and Encapsulation 1.6 Classes and Objects 1.7 String Basics 1.8 Arrays 1.9 Method Invocation and Argument Passing 1.10 Standard I/O 1.11 Command-line Arguments and main 1.12 Problem Solving with Objects 1.13 Solution via Objects 1.14 Object-oriented Thinking 1.15 Code Organization 1.16 Programming Tips 1.17 Summary Exercises Chapter 2 Java Features and Constructs 2.1 ASCII Character I/O 2.2 File I/O 2.3 Basic Error and Exception Handling 2.4 A Class of Fractions 2.5 Identifier Scoping 2.6 Instance and Classwide Members 2.7 Symbolic Constants 2.8 Using Arrays: Quicksort 2.9 String and StringBuffer 2.10 Two-Dimensional Arrays 2.11 A Matrix Class 2.12 Type Conversions 2.13 Implicit Type Conversion 2.14 Explicit Type Casts 2.15 Programming Tips 2.16 Summary Exercises Chapter 3 Object-Based Programming 3.1 A Term Life Insurance Account 3.2 A Term Life Premium Calculator 3.3 Java Wrapper Classes 3.4 Operations on Characters 3.5 A URL Decoder 3.6 A Circular Buffer 3.7 Pocket Calculator Simulation 3.8 Linked List 3.9 Overloading Methods 3.10 Storage Allocation and Management 3.11 Summary Exercises Chapter 4 Inheritance and Class Extension 4.1 Advantages of Inheritance 4.2 Class Extension Basics 4.3 Class Scope Nesting 4.4 Extended Object Composition 4.5 Free Checking Account 4.6 Access Control under Class Extension 4.7 Class Extension Principles 4.8 Subclass Constructors 4.9 Subclass Finalize 4.10 Type Relations under Inheritance 4.11 Field Access under Subclassing 4.12 Hiding of Fields and Static Methods 4.13 Method Access under Subclassing 4.14 Method Overriding 4.15 Dynamic Invocation of Overriding Methods 4.16 Example: Numeric Wrapper Classes 4.17 Method Overloading in Subclasses 4.18 Calculator with SQRT 4.19 The Object Class and Generic Codes 4.20 Managing Text Lines 4.21 Writing Generic Programs 4.22 Generic List 4.23 Generic Stack 4.24 Summary Exercises Chapter 5 OOP Techniques: Interfaces and Polymorphism 5.1 Programming with Plug-Compatible Objects 5.2 Using Plug-Compatible Components 5.3 Planning Uniform Public Interfaces 5.4 Defining Interfaces 5.5 Implementing Interfaces 5.6 Why Interfaces? 5.7 Extending Interfaces 5.8 Abstract Superclass 5.9 Abstract Sequence 5.10 A Sequence of Dates 5.11 Ordering Text Lines 5.12 Interfaces versus Abstract Classes 5.13 Cloning Objects 5.14 Inheritance Planning 5.15 Summary Exercises Chapter 6 Packages and Core Classes 6.1 Packages 6.2 Java-Supplied Packages 6.3 Accessing Java Documentation 6.4 Input and Output 6.5 File I/O 6.6 Buffered I/O 6.7 Print Writers 6.8 Term Life Account Files 6.9 File Updating 6.10 Other I/O Streams 6.11 Textual and Unicode Character I/O 6.12 Noncharacter I/O 6.13 Object I/O 6.14 Number and Date Formatting 6.15 Error and Exception Handling 6.16 Matrix with Exceptions: An example 6.17 Character-Based Standard I/O and Error Reporting 6.18 Mathematical Computations 6.19 Date and Calendar 6.20 System and Environment Properties 6.21 Summary Exercises Chapter 7 Applets and Event-Driven Programming 7.1 About Networking 7.2 The Web 7.3 Web Pages and HTML 7.4 Applets 7.5 A First Applet 7.6 Testing and Deploying Applets 7.7 Browser Control of Applets 7.8 GUI Programming Basics 7.9 Event Handling 7.10 Tic Tac Toe 7.11 Sound Effects 7.12 Inner Classes 7.13 Applet Parameters 7.14 Applet Security Restrictions 7.15 Summary Exercises Chapter 8 GUI Programming 8.1 GUI Programming Overview 8.2 Widget Concepts 8.3 Swing Basics 8.4 Overview of Swing Widgets 8.5 Swing Widgets 8.6 Atomic Widgets 8.7 Text Input Widgets 8.8 Drawing Custom Graphics 8.9 Drawing Support 8.10 Raised Pie Chart 8.11 Layout Management 8.12 Using Dialogs 8.13 Using Menus 8.14 Event-Handling Notes 8.15 Applet-Application Dual-Purpose Programs 8.16 Summary Exercises Chapter 9 Generic Containers 9.1 Lists 9.2 Maps 9.3 Iterators 9.4 Sets 9.5 Collections Framework Interface Hierarchies 9.6 Framework Iterators 9.7 Functors 9.8 Generic Algorithms for Containers 9.9 Synchronized Containers 9.10 Read-Only Containers 9.11 Container Compatibility 9.12 Defining Custom Containers 9.13 Summary Exercises Chapter 10 Networking 10.1 Networking by URL 10.2 Creating and Manipulating URLs 10.3 Reading from a URL 10.4 Communicating with a URL 10.5 HTTP Basics 10.6 A URL Downloader 10.7 The POST Query 10.8 Query Body Encoding 10.9 A POST-Query Client 10.10 A Specific URL Client 10.11 Networking in Applets 10.12 CGI Scripts 10.13 Web Server-Side Programming 10.14 Network Communication with Sockets 10.15 Stream Socket Clients 10.16 Datagram Sockets 10.17 Creating Network Servers 10.18 Stream Socket Server Example 10.19 Remote Method Invocation 10.20 Summary Exercises Chapter 11 Threads and Concurrent Programming 11.1 What Is a Thread? 11.2 Threads in Java 11.3 Programming Threads 11.4 Launching Threads 11.5 Thread Control 11.6 Mutual Exclusion for Java Threads 11.7 Coordinating Threads 11.8 Consumer and Producer 11.9 I/O Between Two Threads 11.10 Thread Priorities 11.11 Terminating Thread Execution 11.12 Runnable Classes 11.13 Multithreaded GUI Applications 11.14 Timer with Images 11.15 Decoupled Image Loading and Drawing 11.16 Animation 11.17 AnimatorPanel 11.18 Animator Applet-Application 11.19 The Image Manager 11.20 Summary Exercises Chapter 12 Advanced Topics 12.1 Reflection 12.2 Dynamic Class Loading 12.3 The Java Run Time 12.4 Running Other Programs from Java 12.5 The Java Native Interface 12.6 JNI Example: Basic 12.7 JNI Example: Argument Passing 12.8 JNI Example: Strings 12.9 JNI Example: Arrays 12.10 Generating Java Documentation in HTML 12.11 Clipboards 12.12 Interapplet Communication 12.13 Java Security Manager 12.14 Signed Applets and Dynamic Trust Management 12.15 Summary Exercises Chapter 13 Object-Oriented Design 13.1 Decomposition Approaches 13.2 Object-Oriented Design Principles 13.3 Design Patterns 13.4 Unified Modeling Language (UML) 13.5 The CRC Method 13.6 Pocket Calculator Simulation 13.7 The MVC Design Pattern 13.8 Swing Widget Architecture and MVC 13.9 Summary Exercises Appendices A Java Tools B Java Keywords, Operators, and Packages C Common Java Constructs D Major Differences between Java and ANSI C/C++ E Layout Managers and Swing Widgets F Colors in JFC G Java I/O Classes H Mathematical Computations I The Java Debugger: jdb J Index of Classes K Basic Background