作者:Eldon D.EngerEldon D.Enger is an emeritus professor of biology at Delta College, a community college near Saginaw, Michigan. He received his B.A. and M.S. degrees from the University of Michigan. Professor Enger has over 30 years of teaching experi ence, during which he has taught biology, zoology, environmental science, and several other courses. He has been very active in curriculum and course development. A major,contribution to the curriculum was the de...
PART Ⅰ Environmental Science in a Social Context CHAPTER1 Environmental Interrelationships CHAPTER2 Environmental Ethics CHAPTER3 Rish and Cost: Elements of Decision Making PART Ⅱ Ecological Principles and Their Application CHAPTER4 Interrelated Scientific Principles: Matter, Energy, and Environment CHAPTER5 Interactions: Environments and Organisms CHAPTER6 Kinds of Ecosystems and Communities CHAPTER7 Population Principles CHAPTER 8 Human Population Issues PART Ⅲ Energy CHAPTER9 Energy and Civilization: Patterns of Consumption CHAPTER10 Energy Sources CHAPTER11 Nuclear Energy: Benefits and Risks PART Ⅳ Resource Management CHAPTER12 Biodiversity Issues CHAPTER13 Land-Use Planning CHAPTER14 Soil and Its Uses CHAPTER15 Agricultural Methods and Pest management CHAPTER16 Water Management PART Ⅴ Pollution and Policy CHAPTER17 Air Quality Issues CHAPTER18 Solid Waste Management and Disposal CHAPTER19 Regulating Hazardous Materials CHAPTER20 Environmental Policy and Decision Making glossary credits index