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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語英語學習/理論《紅樓夢》話語標記語英譯的識解對等研究



定 價:¥48.00

作 者: 祖利軍 著
出版社: 科學出版社
標 簽: 語言文字學


ISBN: 9787030348500 出版時間: 2012-06-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 32開 頁數: 259 字數:  






Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Defining and Classifying DMs
2.1 DMs in English and Chinese
2.2 Functional diversity of DMs
2.3 Classification of DMs
2.4 Instantiating the pragmatic functions of DMs in Hongloumeng
2.4.1 Opinion-indicating
2.4.2 Deduction-eliciting
2.4.3 Evidence-quoting
2.4.4 Topic-initiating
2.4.5 Fact-revealing
2.4.6 Cause-and-effect identifying
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Toward a Working Translation Critierion: Construal Equivalence
3.1 Traditional translation criteria
3.1.1 Traditional Chinese translation criteria: fidelity based on aesthetics
3.1.2 Traditional western translation criteria: equivalence based on linguistics
3.2 Toward a working translation criterion: construal equivalence
3.2.1 Relationship between cognitive semantics and translation
3.2.2 Definition of construal
3.2.3 A working translation criterion: construal equivalence
3.3 Factors affecting construal equivalence
3.3.1 Linguistic factors
3.3.2 The translator's manipulation
3.4 Significance of translation equivalence
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Strategies in Relation to Perspective-based Equivalence
4.1 Shifts in narrative points of view
4.2 Synesthetic shifts
4.3 Shifts between human senses and mental processes
4.4 Shifts between human senses and other processes
4.5 Shifts between mental processes
4.6 Shifts from generality to concreteness
4.7 Syntactic shifts
4.8 Summary
Chapter 5 Strategies in Relation to Prominence-based Equivalence
5.1 Transposition
5.2 Literal translation
5.3 Transmigration
5.4 Structural parallelism
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 Strategies in Relation to Background-based and Specificity-based Equivalence
6.1 Domestication
6.2 Foreignization
6.3 Holism
6.4 Summary
Chapter 7 Implications and Future Perspectives
Appendix A Translation of Opinion-indicators
Appendix B Translation of Deduction-elicitors
Appendix C Translation of Evidence Quoters
Appendix D Translation of Topicalizers
Appendix E Translation of Fact-revealers
Appendix F Translation of Cause-and-effect Identifiers


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