Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Rationale Behind BLDs 1.2 Motivations for the Research 1.2. 1 The Popularity of BLDs with Tertiary-Level Chinese EFLStudents 1.2.2 The Research Gap in Empirical BLD Studies in MainlandChina 1.2. 3 The Rise of Electronic Dictionaries 1.3 Role of Dictionary Use in L2 Vocabulary Learning 1.3. 1 Dictionary Use as a Strategy of L2 Vocabulary Learning 1.3.2 The Dictionary and L2 Vocabulary Learning 1.3.3 Dictionary Use: Intentional or Incidental Learning 1.4 Aims of the Research 1.5 Organization of This Book Chapter 2 An Overview of Bilingualized Dictionaries 2. 1 BLDs: Past and Present 2. 1.1 Bilinguaiization as a Genre 2. 1.2 BLDs in China 2. 2 BLDs: Dictionary Typology 2. 2. 1 James' Typology of BLDs 2. 2. 2 Marello' s Categorization of BLDs Intended forLearners 2. 2. 3 Some Tentative Approaches to Classifying BLDs 2. 3 BLDs: Dictionary Criticism 2. 3. 1 Perceived Strengths and Weaknesses of BLDs 2. 3.2 BLDs and Pedagogical Lexicography 2.4 BLDs: Dictionary Use 2.4. 1 Perceptions of BLDs and Patterns of Use 2.4. 2 Dictionary Effectiveness: BLDs vs. Other Types ofDictionaries 2. 4. 3 Language-Oriented Lookup Behavior in CALL Context 2.5 Summary Chapter 3 A Literature Review of Dictionary Use and Vocabulary Learning 3.1 Dictionary Use Research: A Brief Survey 3.2 Vocabulary learning: Incidental vs. Intentional 3.2. 1 Distinction Between Incidental Learning and IntentionalLearning 3.2. 2 Incidental Learning and Intentional Learning as TechnicalTerms 3.3 Dictionary Use in Vocabulary Learning 3.3. 1 Is Dictionary Useful at all for Vocabulary Learning? 3.3.2 Which Type of Dictionary Is More Effective for VocabularyLearn- 3.4 Methodological Issues in Dictionary Use Studies 3.4. 1 Background-Oriented Methods 3.4. 2 Process-Oriented Methods 3.4. 3 Result-Oriented Methods 3.5 Summary Chapter 4 A Survey of BLD Use in EFL Learning Context 4. 1 Research Questions 4. 2 Design Issues 4. 3 Participants 4. 4 Procedure 4. 5 Results and Findings 4. 5. l General Information 4.5.2 Use of BLDs 4. 5. 3 Perceptions and Evaluations of BLDs 4. 5.4 Needs of BLD Users 4.6 Interpretation and Discussion 4.7 Summary Chapter 5 BLD Use and Vocabulary Learning in Reading Context 5.1 Research Hypotheses 5.2 Design Issues 5.2. 1 Selection of the Reading Material and Target LexicalItems 5.2. 2 Design of the Reading Task 5.2. 3 Design of the Vocabulary Retention Tests 5.2.4 Selection of the BLDs and Solution to the Problem ofDictionary Underuse 5.2. 5 Selection of the Vocabulary Levels Test 5.3 Participants 5.4 Testing and Scoring Procedures 5.5 Results and Findings 5.5.1 Vocabulary Comprehension 5.5.2 Vocabulary Retention 5.5.3 Vocabulary Levels and Reading Conditions 5.6 Interpretation and Discussion 5.6. 1 BLD use vs. Contextual Guessing 5.6. 2 BLD Use and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition 5.6. 3 Comparison Between BLDs in Paper and Electronic Form 5.6. 4 The Effects of Vocabulary Levels and Reading Conditions ondental Vocabulary Acquisition 5.7 Summary Chapter 6 BLD Use and Vocabulary Learning in Sentence Context 6. 1 Research Hypotheses 6. 2 Design Issues 6. 2. 1 Design of the Vocabulary Tasks 6.2.2 Selection of the Target Lexical Items 6. 2. 3 Design of the Retention Tests 6. 2. 4 Selection of the Dictionaries 6. 3 Participants 6.4 Testing and Scoring Procedures 6.5 Results and Findings 6.5.1 Vocabulary Comprehension and Production 6. 5.2 Vocabulary Retention 6. 5.3 Vocabulary Levels and Dictionary Types 6. 6 Interpretation and Discussion 6. 6. 1 BLD Use and Task Completion 6. 6. 2 Problems with BLD Use During Task Completion 6. 6. 3 BLD Use and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition 6. 6.4 The Effects of Vocabulary Levels and Dictionary Types onInci- dental Vocabulary Acquisition 6.7 Summary Chapter 7 BLD Lookup Behavior and Vocabulary Learning in CAI,I, Context 7. 1 Research Hypotheses 7.2 Design Issues 7.2. 1 A specially designed CALL Program 7.2. 2 Design of Reading Task 7.2. 3 Design of Vocabulary Retention Test 7.2.4 A Pilot Test 7.3 Participants 7.4 Testing and Scoring Procedures 7.5 Results and Findings 7.5. 1 Selections of Three Language Options 7.5.2 Lookup Patterns for Individual Target Words and WordRetention 7.5.3 Frequency of Dictionary Lookups and Word Retention 7.5.4 VLT Scores, Click Behavior and Vocabulary LearningOutcomes 7.6 Interpretation and Discussion 7.6. 1 Overall Language Preference of BLD Users 7.6. 2 BLD Lookup Behavior and Incidental VocabularyAcquisition 7.6. 3 Vocabulary Proficiency, BLD Use and VocabularyLearning 7.7 Summary Chapter 8 Conclusion 8. 1 Major Findings of the Research 8.1.1 General Dictionary Use, BLD Evaluation and BLD Users'Needs 8.1.2 Comparisons Between PBLDs and EBLDs 8.1.3 BLD Use and Vocabulary Task Completion 8.1.4 BLD Use and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition 8. 1.5 BLD Use and Users' Vocabulary Proficiency Levels 8. 1.6 BLD Lookup Behavior and Vocabulary Learning 8.2 Implications of the Research 8.2. 1 Implications for EFL Vocabulary Teaching 8. 2. 2 Implications for Dictionary Use Instruction 8.2. 3 Implications for Lexicographic Practices 8.3 Innovations of the Research 8.4 Limitations of the Research 8.5 Suggestions for Future Research Appendices References Acknowledgements