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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科哲學世界哲學死亡是生命的目的:弗洛伊德導讀



定 價:¥30.00

作 者: Josh,Cohen
出版社: 中信出版集團
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787508669793 出版時間: 1900-01-01 包裝:
開本: 大32開 頁數(shù): 字數(shù):  


  Granta's new How to Read series is based on a very simple, but novel, idea. Most beginners' guides to great thinkers and writers offer either potted biographies or condensed summaries of their major works. How to Read, by contrast, brings the reader face to face with the writing itself in the company of an expert guide. Its starting point is that in order to get close to what a writer is all about, you have to get close to the words they actually use and be shown how to read those words. Each book in the series will hopefully be a masterclass in reading. Our authors have been asked to select ten or so short extracts from a writer's work and look at them in detail as a way of revealing their central ideas and thereby opening the doors onto a whole world of thought. The books will not be merely a compilation of a thinker's most famous passages, their 'greatest hits', but will rather offer a series of clues or keys that will enable to reader to go on and make discoveries of their own. In addition to the texts and readings, each book will provide a short biographical chronology and suggestions for further reading, internet resources and so on. The books in the How to Read don't claim to tell you all you need to know. Instead they offer a refreshing set of first-hand meetings with those minds. Our hope is that these books will instruct, intrigue, embolden, encourage and delight. In this engaging introduction, Josh Cohen argues that Freud shows above all that any thought, word or action, however apparently trivial, can invite close reading. Indeed, it may be just this insight that makes psychoanalysis so many opponents.


  Josh Cohen is Senior Lecturer in English and Comparative Literature at Goldsmiths University of London and the author of Spectacular Allegories and Interrupting Auschwitz. :This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.


章 歇斯底里式開端
第二章 無意識
第三章 無意識的機智——夢
第四章 滑稽的無意識
第五章 不
第六章 雙面詭異
第七章 難以理解的欲望對象——母親
第八章 更難以理解的欲望對象——自我
第九章 無法理解的欲望對象——死亡
第十章 受虐式結局
弗洛伊德年表 叢書編者前言


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