日韩精品 中文字幕 动漫,91亚洲午夜一区,在线不卡日本v一区v二区丶,久久九九国产精品自在现拍

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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科文化世界各國文化拉脫維亞概況



定 價:¥80.00

作 者: 張喜華 編
出版社: 世界知識出版社
叢編項: 一帶一路·中東歐文化讀本
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787501261307 出版時間: 2019-11-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數: 259 字數:  


  Latvia is one of the Baltic countries with a population of 1.92 million in 2018. The official language is Latvian. English,Russian and other local dialects are spoken as well. Latvia is full of cultural heritage and natural scenic resources. Architectures of Art Nouveau style are well preserved. Dainas is a unique Latvian phenomenon and Riga is one of the hottest cities for its UNESCO world heritage. People love books,literature,music,dance,folksongs and theaters. Four cornerstones of the economy are agriculture,chemical,logistics and woodworking. Potato,grey peas,black bread,balsam,sprats and other famous local products are the pride of the local people. Saeima is the national parliament. Latvia is active in the international organizations and has close ties with NB-8,NATO and Cooperation between China and CEE(Central and Eastern European)countries.




Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Geography
Chapter 3 World Heritage
Chapter 4 Religious Elements and Mythology
Chapter 5 Language
Chapter 6 Politics
Chapter 7 Economy
Chapter 8 Education System
Chapter 9 Latvian Culture
Chapter 10 Literature
Chapter 11 Music and Dance
Chapter 12 Theatre
Chapter 13 Paintings and Artists
Chapter 14 Sports
Chapter 15 Physical Activities
Chapter 16 Folk Customs
Chapter 17 Cuisine
Chapter 18 Architecture and Design
Chapter 19 Media
Chapter 20 Latvia in the World


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