The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter One Panoramic View Section One The Country and the People Geographic Features Climate and Weather Inland Water People Official and LocaI Languages Religion Review Section Two The British Government The Monarch Parliament The Government and the Cabinet Civil Servants LocaI Govemments Review Section Three Politics and Law Political Parties Elections Justice and Law Courts Review Section Four NationaI Economy and Cities Economic System and Structure Mining and Manufacturing Industries Transportation and Communications Service Industry Agriculture Thatcher's Reform Cities Review Section Five Cultural and Social Life Historical Background and Class Structure British Families Education Policy Primary and Secondary Schools Independent Schools Higher Education and Universities Oxford and Cambridge Employment and SociaIWelfare Welfare Programs Review Chapter Two English History Section One Origin of the English Nation and Beginning of Parliament The Native Celts Roman Britain (55 BC-410 AD) The Anglo-Saxon Conquest (446-871) The Norman Conquest(1066) In fluence of the Norman Conquest HenryII and His Reform The Great Charter and Appearance of Parliament Review Section Two Decline of Feudalism and the Tudor Monarchy The Hundred Years' War(1337-1453) The Black Death (1348-1349) and the Peasant Uprising (1381) The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) and the Tudor Monarchy Henry VIlland Reform of the Church Review …… The United States of America