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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語英語讀物大熊貓,國寶的百年傳奇(英文版)



定 價:¥128.00

作 者: 高富華 著,司徒愛勤 譯
出版社: 五洲傳播出版社
叢編項: 中國人文標識系列
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787508545707 出版時間: 2021-02-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數: 187 字數:  


  大熊貓在藍色星球的第一次漫步,是在遙遠的800萬年前; 人類第一次清晰地聽到大熊貓的腳步聲,是在1869年乍暖還寒的早春。 從大熊貓出現在人類面前的那一刻起,它的“食色性也”就深深地吸引著世人的眼光。 100多年過去了,大熊貓依然是讓人著迷。 大熊貓似乎沒有過去,因為我們不知道“它是誰”, 有人梳理出了大熊貓從古到今的幾十個名稱,但哪一個是“大熊貓”? 大熊貓又往哪里去? 雖然從“瀕?!苯档健耙孜!?,但野外大熊貓的數量依然少得可憐 我們試圖揭開大熊貓身上的神秘面紗,讓大熊貓永遠和人類和諧共生……The giant panda, or the panda, a rare species that first appeared as early as 8 million years ago, has retained its original appearance and kept its physiological habits over the years, becoming the living fossil of animals on the earth today and the relic of primitive organisms. As a rare animal in the world as well as in China, the giant panda is few in number, no more than 2000 with the wild and the captive combined. But giant pandas and their habitats have drawn worldwide attention since they are flagship species to be protected for biodiversity. The giant panda is the logo of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the giant panda flag can still be seen fluttering around the world. The giant panda has borne witness to major international sports events like the Asian Games and the Olympic Games as the mascot. The giant panda habitat in China has been included on the World Heritage List…


  高富華,四川省蘆山縣人,四川省作協會員,雅安日報高級記者。著有《大熊貓史話(1869—2019)》、《和平使者熊貓巴斯》、《穿行在大熊貓村莊》等書。其中《巴斯百年“風雨”》入選中國作協2006年度報告文學精選集。 Gao Fuhua, from Lushan County, Sichuan Province, is a member of Sichuan Writers' Association and a senior reporter of Ya 'an Daily. He is the author of History of the Giant Panda (1869-2019), Basi ,the Peace Messenger Panda, Walking through the Giant Panda Village, and other books. Among them, Bass’ hundred years of wind and rain was selected into the 2006 annual reportage collection of China Writers Association.


Preface 01
Chapter I
Discovery of the Giant Panda
Section 1 The Mysterious Black-and-White Bear 002
Section 2 Panda Mania 023
Section 3 Giant Pandas and Their Hunters 037
Section 4 Protection and Research of the Giant Panda 052
Section 5 The Giant Panda in Wartime 068
Chapter II Giant Pandas as Diplomatic Gifts
Section 1 Ping Ping: the First Diplomatic Gift 078
Section 2 Ji Ji: A Symbol of Commitment to Wildlife Conservation 084
Section 3 Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing in the US 091
Section 4 Pe Pe and Ying Ying: A Giant Panda Family outside China 097
Section 5 The Last Panda Pair as Diplomatic Gifts 101
Chapter III Giant Panda Stars
Section 1 Basi: the Star at the Chinese New Year Gala 108
Section 2 Happy Lives of Handicapped Giant Pandas 114
Section 3 The Qinling Mountains: Home to Brown Giant Pandas 120
Section 4 Pan Pan: A Heroic Father 128
Section 5 A Loving Couple: Xin Xing and Chuan Chuan 134
Section 6 Yuan Zai Was Born of Love 138
Section 7 Captive Breeding of Giant Pandas 142
Chapter IV Conservation of Giant Pandas
Section 1 Gorgeous Homeland: A Land of Mountains and Rivers 148
Section 2 The Giant Panda and Its Companion Animals and Plants 157
Section 3 A Big Family: Giant Panda National Park 166
Section 4 Releasing Giant Pandas into the Wild 174
Section 5 The Giant Panda Culture 182


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