日韩精品 中文字幕 动漫,91亚洲午夜一区,在线不卡日本v一区v二区丶,久久九九国产精品自在现拍

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定 價:¥72.00

作 者: 張開,鄧清,潘曉成 編
出版社: 中國廣播電視出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787504374660 出版時間: 2015-08-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 195 字數(shù):  






Chapter One Yangzhou: A Famous City Growing along with the Grand Canal
1.1 Yangzhou in Foreigners' Eyes
1.2 The City and the Canal
1.3 Yangzhou in Modern Times
Chapter Two Shuangdong Streets: A Vivid Memory of Yangzhou
2.1 International Visitors Fascinated by Shuangdong Streets
2.2 The Beauty of Shuangdong Streets
2.3 How Yangzhou Preserves Shuangdong Streets
Chapter Three A Charming City: Blending Tradition with Modernity
3.1 Harmonious Coexistence of Tradition and Modernity
3.2 Efforts and Wisdom of Yangzhou People
3.3 Balance between Preservation and Development
Chapter Four Historical Celebrities: Envoys for the Ages
4.1 Rainbows across Yangzhou and the World
4.2 The Stories of the Four Celebrities
4.3 Role of the Four Celebrities in Modern Yangzhou
Chapter Five Green City: Ecological Civilization with Characteristics
5.1 A Green City in the Eyes of the World
5.2 Green City Formation: Features, Issues, and Sustainability
5.3 Understanding a New Green Yangzhou
Chapter Six Yangzhou Fried Rice: A Bite of China
6.1 The Most Popular Dish of Chinese Food Overseas
6.2 Huaiyang Cuisine as a Key to Chinese Culture and Philosophy
6.3 Preserving the Yangzhou Food Culture
Chapter Seven Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Pride from Generation
to Generation
7.1 Yangzhou's Cultural Treasures through Foreigners' Eyes
7.2 A Glimpse of Yangzhou's Gifts and Treasures
7.3 Intangible Culture Preservation and Development
Chapter Eight The Grand Canal: A Pearl to Be Cherished by the World
8.1 International Visitors Fascinated by Yangzhou
8.2 A Leading City in the Joint Application
8.3 A Pearl Cherished by the World


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