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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術(shù)自然科學生物科學野生大熊貓科學探秘(英文版)



定 價:¥228.00

作 者: 魏輔文
出版社: 科學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787030684592 出版時間: 2021-06-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 12開 頁數(shù): 132 字數(shù):  






Chapter 1 Population History of theGiant Panda / 1
1Giant panda genome / 9
2Population fluctuations of the giant panda / 10
3Population genetic structure of the giant panda / 13
4Population divergences of the giant panda / 17
5Uniqueness of Qinling giant panda / 20
Chapter 2 Adaptive Mechanisms ofDietary Specialization ofGiant Panda / 23
1Adaptations in morphological function / 32
2Adaptations in foraging strategies / 35
3Adaptations in digestive strategies / 40
4Adaptations in space use and activity rhythm / 43
5Adaptations in habitat utilization / 44
6Adaptations in physiology and metabolism / 46
7Adaptations in genetics / 48
Chapter 3 Reproductive Strategy and Dispersal Pattern of the Giant Panda / 53
1Communication behaviors of the giant panda / 58
2Reproductive patterns and sex hormone levels of the giant panda / 65
3Reproductive behavior and sexual selection of the giant panda / 66
4Parturition and cub rearing of the giant panda / 71
5Reproductive rate of the giant panda / 76
6Natal dispersal pattern of the giant panda / 78
Chapter 4 Population Ecology andPopulation Genetics of theGiant Panda / 81
1Age determination of the giant panda / 86
2Life table and population viability analysis (PVA) / 89
3Individual identification and population survey of the giant panda / 90
4Sex identification of the giant panda / 99
5Genetic diversity of the giant panda / 100
Chapter 5 Major Threats to Giant Pandas and Conservation Practices / 105
1Impact of large-scale bamboo flowering and hunting on giant pandas / 108
2Population collapse mechanism of isolated small panda populations / 110
3Rescue small populations of the giant panda: reintroduction and habitat corridors / 114
Epilogue Hope for the Giant Panda / 117
Reference / 125
Afterword Ⅰ / 133
Afterword Ⅱ / 134
Afterword Ⅲ / 135


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