Start building powerful programs with Java 6—fast! Get an overview of Java 6 and begin building your own programs Even if you're new to Java programming—or to programming in general—you can get up and running on this wildly popular language in a hurry. This book makes it easy! From how to install and run Java to understanding classes and objects and juggling values with arrays and collections, you will get up to speed on the new features of Java 6 in no time. Discover how to Use object-oriented programming Work with the changes in Java 6 and JDK 6 Save time by reusing code Mix Java and Java* with the new *ing tools Troubleshoot code problems and fix bugs All on the bonus CD-ROM Custom build of JCreator and all the code files used in the book Bonus chapters not included in the book Trial version of Jindent, WinOne, and NetCaptor freeware System Requirements: For details and complete system requirements, see the CD-ROM appendix. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Dr. Barry Burd received an M.S. degree in Computer Science at Rutgers University and a Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Illinois. As a teaching assistant in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, he was elected five times to the university-wide List of Teac
Introduction Part I: Getting Started Chapter 1: All about Java Chapter 2: Running Canned Java Programs Chapter 3: Using the Basic Building Blocks Part II: Writing Your Own Java Programs Chapter 4: Making the Most of Variables and Their Values Chapter 5: Controlling Program Flow with Decision-Making Statements Chapter 6: Controlling Program Flow with Loops Part III: Working with the Big Picture: Object-Oriented Programming Chapter 7: Thinking in Terms of Classes and Objects Chapter 8: Saving Time and Money: Reusing Existing Code Chapter 9: Constructing New Objects Part IV: Savvy Java Techniques Chapter 10: Putting Variables and Methods Where They Belong Chapter 11: Using Arrays and Collections to Juggle Values Chapter 12: Looking Good When Things Take Unexpected Turns Part V: The Part of Tens Chapter 13: Ten Ways to Avoid Mistakes Chapter 14: Ten Sets of Web Resources for Java Appendix A: Using the CD-ROM Index Bonus Content on the CD Chapter 15: Sharing Names among the Parts of a Java Program Chapter 16: Responding to Keystrokes and Mouse Clicks Chapter 17: Writing Java Applets Chapter 18: Using Java Database Connectivity Appendix B: When to Use Words like “public” and “private”