Part of the new series,Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China。this book aims tO introduce the theoretical foundations,various sub-fields,current research,and practical methods of software architec-ture.Readers can acquire basic knowledge of sotiware architecture,including Why software architecture iS necessary,how we can describesystem’S architecture with formal language,what architecture styles are popular in practice,and how we can apply software architecture to the development of systems.Case studies,data,illustrations,and other-materials released within recent years will be used tO show the latest sta-tus in software architecture.
Dr.Zheng Qin is doctoral mentor of the computer science and technol-ogy departments at Tsinghua and Xi’an Jiaotong University.He has been Associate Dean of the School of Software,Tsinghua University,and Chair of the Institute of E—commerce,Xi’an J
1 Introduction to Software Architecture 1.1 A Brief History of Software Development 1.1.1 The Evolution of Programming Language Abstract Level 1.1.2 The Evolution of Software Development Concerns 1.1.3 The Origin and Growth of Software Architecture 1.2 Introduction tO Software Architecture 1.2.1 Basic Terminologies 1.2.2 Understanding IEEE 1471—2000 1.2.3 Views Used in Software Arehitecture 1.2.4 Why We Need Software Arehitecture 1.2.5 Where Is Software Architecture in Software Life Cycle 1.3 Summary References 2 Architectural Styles and Patterns 2.1 Fundamentals of Architectural Styles and Patterns 2.2 Pipes Filters 2.2.1 Style Description 2.2.2 Study Case 2.3 Object—oriented 2.3.1 Style Description 2.3.2 Study Case 2.4 Event—driven 2.4.1 Style Description 2.4.2 Study Case 2.5 Hierarchical Layer 2.5.1 Style Description 2.5.2 Study Case 2.6 Data Sharing 2.6.1 Style Description 2.6.2 Study Case 2.7 Virtual Machine …… 3 Application and Analysis of Architectural Styles 4 Software Architecture Description 5 Design Stratgeies in Architecture Level 6 Software Architectur IDE 7 Evaluating Software Architecture 8 Flexible Software Architecture 9 A Vision ov Software Architceture Index