The LNAI series reports state-of-the-art results in artificial intelligence re-search,development,and education,at a high level and in both printed and electronic form. Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community,with numerous individuals,as well as with prestigious organizations and societies,LNAI has grown into the most comprehensive artificial intelligence research forum available.The scope of LNAI spans the whole range of artificial intelligence and intelli-gent information processing including interdisciplinary topics in a variety ofapplication fields. The type of material published traditionally includesproceedings(published in time for the respective conference)post-proceedings(consisting of thoroughly revised final full papers)research monographs(which may be based on PhD work)
暫缺《用戶建模2001User modeling 2001(用戶建模2001)》作者簡介
Full Papers Acquiring User Models from Multi-modal User Input Harnessing Models of Users' Goals to Mediate Clarification Dialog in Spoken Language Systems Modeling the Acquisition of English: An Intelligent CALL Approach (*) .. Recognizing Time Pressure and Cognitive Load on the Basis of Speech An Experimental Study (*) Learning Interaction Models The Learning Shell: Automated Macro Construction Learning Interaction Models in a Digital Library Service User Models for Natural Language Interpretation, Processing and Generation A User Modeling Approach to Determining System Initiative in Mixed-Initiative AI Systems Collaborating with Focused and Unfocused Users under Imperfect Communication (*) Improving User Modeling with Content-Based Techniques (*) An Integrated Approach for Generating Arguments and Rebuttals and Understanding Rejoinders (*) Adaptive Interviewing for Acquiring User Preferences/ Product Customization Acquiring User Preferences for Product Customization Utility-Based Decision Tree Optimization: A Framework for Adaptive Interviewing (*) Supporting User Collaboration through Adaptive Agents User Modeling in I-Help: What, Why, When and How An Adaptive User-Interface-Agent Modeling Communication Availability Student Modeling Cognitive Computer Tutors: Solving the Two-Sigma Problem Applying Interactive Open Learner Models to Learning Technical Terminology (*) Student and Instructor Models: Two Kinds of User Model and Their Interaction in an ITS Authoring Tool Adaptive Information Filtering, Retrieval and Browsing METIORE: A Personalized Information Retrieval System Personalizing Delivered Information in a Software Reuse Environment Automating Personal Categorization Using Artificial Neural Networks Posters User Modeling as an Aid for Human Web Assistants Modeling the Interests of a News Service User …… Doctoral Consortium Invited Talks