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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術計算機/網絡信息安全信息及通信安全



定 價:¥768.40

作 者: Peng Ning 等著
出版社: 湖南文藝出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9783540494966 出版時間: 2006-12-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 頁數: 字數:  


  This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, ICICS 2006, held in Raleigh, NC, USA in December 2006.The 22 revised full papers and 17 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 119 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on security protocols, applied cryptography, access control and systems security, privacy and malicious code, network security, systems security, cryptanalysis, applied cryptography and network security, as well as security implementations.




Security Protocols
Strong and Robust RFID Authentication Enabling Perfect Ownership Transfer
A Robust and Secure RFID-Based Pedigree System (Short Paper)
A Topological Condition for Solving Fair Exchange in Byzantine Environments
A Security Analysis of the Precise Time Protocol (Short Paper)
Applied Crytography
An Identity-Based Proxy Signature Scheme from Pairings
Finding Compact Reliable Broadcast in Unknown Fixed-Identity Networks (Short Paper)
Formal Analysis and Systematic Construction of Two-Factor Authentication Scheme (Short Paper)
Hierarchical Key Assignment for Black-Box Tracing with Efficient Ciphertext Size
Trace-Driven Cache Attacks on AES (Short Paper)
Access Control and Systems Security
A Construction for General and Efficient Oblivious Commitment Based Envelope Protocols
Defining and Measuring Policy Coverage in Testing Access Control Policies
Distributed Credential Chain Discovery in Trust Management with Parameterized Roles and Constraints (Short Paper)
An Operating System Design for the Security Architecture for Microprocessors
Privacy and Malicious Code
Point-Based Trust: Define How Much Privacy Is Worth
Efficient Protocols for Privacy Preserving Matching Against Distributed Datasets
Quantifying Information Leakage in Tree-Based Hash Protocols (Short Paper)
An Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Identification Card
A Wireless Covert Channel on Smart Cards (Short Paper)
Network Security
From Proxy Encryption Primitives to a Deployable Secure-Mailing-List Solution
Mathematical Foundations for the Design of a Low-Rate DoS Attack to Iterative Servers (Short Paper)
An Independent Function-Parallel Firewall Architecture for High-Speed Networks (Short Paper)
Systems Security
Applied Cryptography and Network Security
Secutrity Implementations
Author Index


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