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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科政治世界政治中國式民主:全過程人民民主(英文)



定 價:¥88.00

作 者: 李君如
出版社: 外文出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787119133690 出版時間: 2023-10-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 166 字數(shù):  


  當前,中國正朝著全面建成社會主義現(xiàn)代化強國、實現(xiàn)第二個百年奮斗目標邁進。民主政治制度將如何進一步發(fā)展完善?黨的二十大報告中,對于發(fā)展全過程人民民主、保障人民當家作主,從加強人民當家作主制度保障、全面發(fā)展協(xié)商民主、積極發(fā)展基層民主、鞏固和發(fā)展 廣泛的愛國統(tǒng)一戰(zhàn)線等四個方面作出部署,為進一步發(fā)展全過程人民民主指明了方向。全過程人民民主,既有鮮明的中國特色,也體現(xiàn)全人類共同價值,本書用通俗流暢的文字和豐富的案例,從制度的保障、協(xié)商民主特色、基層民主發(fā)展等角度,立體講述中國如何發(fā)展全過程人民民主,并在中西比較中給出令人信服的解答。




Chapter Ⅰ The Bali Meeting between Chinese and U.S. Presidents
Xi Jinping's Talk of Chinese-Style Democracy in the Bali Meeting
Similarities and Differences: Democracy Does Not Equal Western Democracy
Behind the "Veil": Is Western Democracy Perfect?
A Democratic Approach to Democratic Institutions of Different Countries
Chapter Ⅱ The Origin and Introduction of the Concept-Whole-Process People's Democracy
The 2019 Visit to Shanghai and the Framing of the Key Concept-Whole-Process People's Democracy
The 2021 Central People's Congress Work Conference and Theoretical Innovation Regarding Whole-Process People's Democracy
The Explorations for Whole-Process People's Democracy with the Formation of China's Political Party System as the Historical Starting Point
Chapter Ⅲ What Is Whole-Process People's Democracy?
Defining Feature of Socialist Democracy
Democracy That Covers All Aspects of the Democratic Process and All Sectors of Society
Democracy in Its Broadest, Most Genuine, and Most Effective Form
Chapter Ⅳ To Have Public Issues Discussed by All Those Involved Is the Essence of People's Democracy
Two Forms of Democracy Unmatched by Western-Style Democracy
Consultative Democracy as a Special feature of Democracy in China
Extensive, Multilevel, and Institutionalized Development of Consultative Democracy
Chapter Ⅴ Promote Chinese-Style Modernization in Whole-Process People's Democracy
Chinese-Style Modernization and Chinese-Style Democracy
Unleash the Tremendous Creativity of the Chinese People in Their Hundreds of Millions
Meet the People's Aspirations for a Better Life


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