1 Introduction on energy resources 1.1 World primary energy demand and consumption 1.2 Fuel types (except coal) 1.3 Coal 1.4 Outlook for energy demand 2 Modern coal mining countries 2.1 Coal mining in USA 2.2 Coal mining in Australia 2.3 Coal mining in india 2.4 Coal mining in Indonesia 2.5 Coal mining in China 3 Geology for mining 3.1 Formation process and classification 3.2 Geological structures 3.3 Goal reserves 4 Digital mine 4.1 Components 4.2 3D model in digital mine 4.3 Key technologies 5 Rapid roadway driving 5.1 Drilling and blasting method 5.2 Excavation sequence of roadheaders 5.3 TBM 5.4 Rock reinforcement 6 Underground coal mining method 6.1 Longwall method 6.2 Longwall top coal caving 6.3 Room and pillar mining 7 Intelligent mining 7.1 Basic concept 7.2 Key technologies of intelligent mining 7.3 Intelligent mining mode of coal mine and application 8 Mine safety 8.1 Goal mine gas 8.2 Mine dust 8.3 Mine fire 8.4 Mine water inrush 8.5 Roof fall 9 Water-protective mining method 9.1 Water resource 9.2 Impact of mining on water 9.3 Mechanism of water-protective mining 9.4 Current research aspects 9.5 Grand challenges in technology l0 Gob backfilling mining method 10.1 Background 10.2 Current status 10.3 Method and technology 10.4 Outlook 11 Gas drainage